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We deliver,
You collect.

Shop online from 1,000+ stores and collect at your convenience from Alfred, a network of parcel lockers and pickup points, available 24/7 all across Hong Kong.

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We deliver,
You collect.

Shop online from 1,000+ stores and collect at your convenience from Alfred, a network of parcel lockers and pickup points, available 24/7 all across Hong Kong.

We deliver,
You collect.

Shop online from 1,000+ stores and collect at your convenience from Alfred, a network of parcel lockers and pickup points, available 24/7 all across Hong Kong.

We deliver,
You collect.

Shop online from 1,000+ stores and collect at your convenience from Alfred, a network of parcel lockers and pickup points, available 24/7 all across Hong Kong.

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Trusted by the world's best

How it Works

Order online from your favorite stores.
Choose Alfred as your delivery option at check-out.
Receive a notification and collect from Alfred at your convenience.
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How it Works

Order online from your favorite stores.
Choose Alfred as a delivery option at check-out.
Receive notification and collect from Alfred at your own convenience.
500+ Locations
Find a pickup point close to you
Learn More

The Alfred network

Alfred is available at the checkout of major shopping platforms like Shopify, Taobao and Zalora.
DHL, FedEx and other couriers deliver packages using Alfred.
Alfred lockers
Alfred lockers
Alfred lockers
Our parcel lockers are installed across malls and commercial buildings, to offer convenience and privacy.
Alfred pickup points
Alfred pickup points
Alfred pickup points
7-Eleven, Circle K, Fotomax and many more retail stores are part of the Alfred network.
Smart lockers

Our parcel lockers are installed across malls and commercial buildings, offering convenience and privacy.

Pickup points

7-Eleven, Circle K, Fotomax and many more retail stores are part of the Alfred network.

Online shops

Alfred is at the checkout of major shopping platforms like Shopify, Taobao, and Zalora.


DHL, FedEx and other couriers deliver packages to Alfred.


Why Alfred


Collecting your parcels from Alfred is quick and easy.


With Alfred you can save up to 60% on shipping costs.


Collect at your own convenience, let Alfred do the waiting.


We are building the first zero emissions delivery network in Hong Kong.

Let’s work together

Delivering happiness to our customers

Shopping online is a lot easier with Alfred. I don’t have to wait for deliveries or chase missed packages. It’s just one easy pick-up on my way home from work.

Timmy Cheung, Startup Entrepreneur

Offering a simple low-cost delivery method like Alfred is a huge competitive advantage for us.

Kathy Leung, Online Business Owner

Unused space is a wasted resource. Alfred takes care of that, and provides a useful service for my tenants.

Teresa Wong, Landlord

With Alfred I can deliver more packages to one spot, and I don’t have to call anyone to see if they’re in. It saves me a lot of hassle.

Tony Kwok, Delivery Driver